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Disney Piano Recital at Riverton Piano Company
Disney Piano Recital

The Happiest Recital on Earth

March 14 | Peoria, AZ

Riverton Piano Company - who brought you "Masquerade" is excited to invite you to our next Piano Education Partnership themed recital event: "The Happiest Recital on Earth!"

Saturday, March 14, boys and girls from all over the West Valley will enter a kingdom of music, magic and Mickey Mouse as we gear up for the "Happiest Recital on Earth!" The Riverton Recital Hall will be fully decorated in classic Disney style and student performers are encouraged to dress as their favorite Disney characters. After the recital, students will step into Mickey's Magic Photo Booth and be virtually transported to a Disney theme of their choice - where we will create a photographic souvenir of this incredible experience. (Parents will be able to download these digital photos from our website FREE!)

Space is very lmited for this event and sign-ups begin February 17! Want to play? Of course you do! Contact your piano teacher for details on how to participate in The Happiest Recital on Earth! ...and teachers, get your student info and media release forms to Gary (garyg "at" rivertonpiano.com) by March 13 so your students can enjoy this magical family experience! ...and don't forget your costumes. Everyone is encouraged to dress up! You never know who might show up...

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Bring the Whole Family!

  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Disney Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona