Yamaha Hybrid Pianos - Peoria, AZ
What is a YamahA Hybrid Piano?
For over 40 years, the Piano Industry has been divided into two groups: acoustic pianos and digital pianos. Loved for their rich, sonorous tone and unparalleled expression, acoustic pianos have long been preferred by professional players, piano teachers and music schools. However - despite their 300+ year development period - acoustic pianos have problems. They are made out of wood and, thus, go out of tune with changes in their environment. This makes acoustic pianos impractical for outdoor concerts, university practice rooms (notorious for their horrible HVAC issues), church sanctuaries, cruise ships, yachts and traveling musicians. Luckily, modern digital pianos offer an unbelievably good performance and/or longevity in many of these situations. However, some players will always crave the acoustic piano experience - even if it is impractical for their use. That is where hybrid pianos come in.
Hybrid pianos blur the line between acoustic pianos and digital pianos by incorporating electronic components into traditional acoustic instruments. Yamaha is undoubtedly the industry leader in this new category of pianos and, thus, has more options available than any other manufacturer. Here is a brief breakdown of Yamaha Hybrid Pianos:
Yamaha Disklavier™
(Pronounced "Disk'-la-veer") It would be a mistake to think of Yamaha's flagship hybrid piano as merely a "player piano." Though the Yamaha Disklavier™ can play itself, it also has many other functions, including: internet radio channels, live concert streaming, additional instruments, Silent play with headphones, WIFI and Bluetooth access, HD MIDI recording, app integration and much more. Piano students can even audition for scholarships all over the world - thanks to the Disklavier Education Network.
Yamaha TransAcoustic™
The latest product of Yamaha's extensive piano R&D, Yamaha TransAcoustic™ pianos transmit digital sounds directly to the piano's soundboard - transforming the piano itself into a speaker. They also offer MIDI and AUDIO recording, Silent play with headphones, WIFI and Bluetooth access, additional instruments and app integration.
Yamaha SILENT Pianos™
Don't let the name fool you. Yamaha SILENT Pianos™ are - first and foremost - traditional acoustic Yamaha pianos. Engage Silent Mode, however, and you can play whenever you want - Silently - with headphones. You can also connect to a computer, use programs to learn or write music and record your music!
Yamaha Avant Pianos™
A perfect union of traditional acoustic piano key actions and digital sound, these stunning instruments offer the same feel as an acoustic piano without the expense of tuning. They are always in tune! They also offer all the features of a Yamaha SILENT Piano™ and a Yamaha TransAcoustic™ piano.