Riverton Piano Company in Phoenix, Arizona

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Masquerade Halloween Recital at Riverton Piano Company


October 17-19 | Peoria, AZ

Riverton Mansion was a happy place once… full of laughter and music. The townspeople – besotted by the flickering reflection of 1000 candles and the hypnotic melodies that accompanied them – gleefully filled its beloved halls with the fruits of their harvest – eager to share in music they so deeply enjoyed. ...and then? Something happened. It truth, nobody really knows what caused hundreds of people to just vanish - never to be seen or heard from again - because nobody who witnessed the event was left to talk about it! Rumors tell of a rare thunderstorm blowing in, a shock of strange sounds, a flash of light and... silence. Terrible, deadly silence. In the subsequent investigation's wake, the Riverton family shackled up the stately old mansion and left Arizona for good - leaving Riverton House to decay in the unforgiving desert winds. To this day, it remains closed - a chilling reminder of a bygone era and a haunting mystery that still whispers its secrets in the autumn breeze.

...but you know all of this. You've heard the stories. You've imagined the guests of Riverton House locked in a spectral realm - forever compelled to lure innocents into their phantastic festivities. You've even found yourself dreaming about wild costumes, crazy parties and haunting musical performances every time you pass by! You feel drawn to this place... and to the many secrets within.

That's why you're reading this invitation. Deep down, you crave the ghastly gala - the supernatural soiree. You're captivated by the vile visage of apparitional apparel, disturbing décor, and menacing music that dance at the edge of your sanity. You can feel the storm clouds gathering as ghostly boos and ghouls all over Phoenix convene once again to unleash their torturous talent upon the innocent. You're mesmerized by the maniacal menagerie called Masquerade. You feel compelled to join us and nothing can save you from it. The preparations have all been made. The time has come. Gather your courage and make ...final arrangements... today. The only thing that will haunt you more is missing out.

Masquerade is a "spooky, but not scary" Halloween-theme'd musical event for family members of all ages. Everyone is encouraged to wear a costume and participate in the spooky fun! A completed Media Release form is required for each participating student. See your piano teacher for details. Masquerade is a signature production of Riverton Piano Company's Piano Education Partnership (PEP).

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  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona
  • Halloween Piano Recital in Peoria, Arizona