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PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Pianos at Riverton Piano Company
PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano

PianoDisc Prodigy II

Player Piano System

Since its inception in 1988, PianoDisc has been a pioneer in the world of player piano technology. Headquartered in Sacramento, California, PianoDisc is an American company with deep roots in the global technology market. As a piano industry leader, they have worked closely with piano factories all over the world, including such names as Story & Clark, Mason & Hamlin, and Steinway to develop core technologies that many other player piano companies are just now beginning to copy. At the heart of the PianoDisc Prodigy iQ player system is SilentDrive HD5, a high-resolution solenoid system that features integrated Bluetooth audio and MIDI for fast wireless connections, easy operation, and additional connection flexibility. With 1,024 levels of expression, SD HD5 can replay piano performances with highly accurate articulation, even at very low volume.

PianoDisc's latest innovation in player piano technology is the new Proidigy II system, complete with easy-to-use interface, enormous music library, and FREE "streaming radio" service. The new system features two dedicated processors to enhance the reliability and musicality of the system's performance. The first is called the "P1 Performance Chip," and it's solely dedicated to enhancing the system's musicality and precision. This processor boasts the capability to enhance dynamics and emotional expression, as well as providing softer playback and realistic key release. The second chip is called the "C1 Connection Chip" and it manages the high-fidelity audio streaming through your piano as well as the link between your piano and mobile device. This chip ensures a robust, seamless connection with the ability to auto-connect to your piano. The PianoDisc iQ Player App makes operating your player piano from a smart phone or tablet easy while the PianoDisc ProRecord X App makes recording on your acoustic piano easier than you could ever imagine. Even better - PianoDisc's Prodigy II system works with any brand of acoustic piano made today (and many from years past as well)! You won't believe how much more your piano can do with Prodigy II! Scroll down for more information on how Riverton Piano Company can help you customize your PianoDisc Prodigy II system today.

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Transform Your Piano

Nothing is more elegant or sophisticated than a live piano performance in your living room. Whether you’re relaxing after work, hosting a Holiday sing-a-long, or just enjoying a romantic evening “in,” we can offer you an experience that no mere "player piano" can match. Our expert installers can transform your piano into a source of endless enjoyment without disturbing its natural look, sound, or feel. Even better - you only pay for the features you want. Each system is upgradeable and customized to your specific needs. Let us transform a new piano for you - or convert your old piano - to a PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano today and get more out of your piano.

Consider Your Options

We customize your Player Piano System for you. You only ever pay for the features you want, and we can upgrade your system any time.

PianoDisc Prodigy II Play Only Player Piano

Play Only

PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano

Experience The Future of Player Pianos. Connect to your PianoDisc Prodigy II system via Bluetooth and explore all your favorite songs whenever you want!

  • Enormous Music Library
  • IQ Bluetooth App
PianoDisc Prodigy II ProRecord X Player Piano

Play and Record

PianoDisc ProScan Player Piano

Listen to your favorite artists or record your own performances. ProScan allows the you to capture, record, and reproduce all the songs you love!

  • Optical Sensors
  • Saves to IQ App
PianoDisc Prodigy II Play Record and Silent Player Piano

Play, Record and Headphones

PianoDisc Prodigy II ProRecord X Player Piano with QuietTime

Listen to your music, record your songs or practice privately - whenever you want - with QuietTime. You'll be stunned how much more you use your piano!

  • 88 Onboard Sounds
  • FREE ProRecord App
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System
  • PianoDisc Prodigy II Player Piano System