Premium Pianos Near Peoria, AZ
Artists Suggest:

Bosendorfer 280 VC
Artisan Collection Concert Grand Piano
Evocative of the fluency and drama inherent in the human voice, the 280 VC Bosendorfer Concert Grand Piano's singing tone inspires awe around the World.
- 9'2" in Length
- Vienna Concert Technology

Yamaha CFX
Premium Concert Grand Piano
Introduced in 2022, this reimagined masterpiece is taking the world by storm. Experience the new standard for handcrafted performance pianos.
- 9' in Length
- Industry Icon

Yamaha DC7X
Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE
A piano of unlimited potential, the DC7X Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE helps you record, play, listen, use headphones, watch concerts, learn online and much more!
- A "Smart" Grand

Roland GP-9
Digital Baby Grand Piano
An elegant instrument that combines the latest technologies with traditional piano building, the Roland GP609 is a piano player's dream.
- The Artists' Choice
- Flagship Model
Premium Grand Pianos - Peoria, AZ

Bosendorfer 290 Imperial
Artisan Collection Concert Grand Piano
A full eight octaves in range, this instrument not only delighted Busoni, but it also inspired such immortal composers as Bartók, Debussy and Ravel to compose repertoire specifically for the Bosendorfer Imperial Grand Piano.
- 9'6" in Length
- Flagship Model - 97 Keys

Bosendorfer 280 VC
Artisan Collection Concert Grand Piano
At nearly seven and a half feet long, the Bosendorfer 230 VC grand piano delivers perfect balance and an unsurpassed level of control - offering limitless possibilities in interpretation and style.
- 7'6" in Length
- Vienna Concert Technology

Yamaha S7X
Premium Grand Piano
Whisper or roar, the S7X Premium Yamaha grand piano will translate your every emotion into sounds that will enrapture even the most discerning audience.
- 7'6" in Length
- A.R.E. Technology

Yamaha C7X
Grand Piano
Found in recording studios all over the Globe, the C7X Yamaha grand piano is considered to be the perfect studio instrument for artistic expression.
- 7'6" in Length
- Industry Icon
Premium Upright Pianos - Peoria, AZ

Bosendorfer 130
Artisan Collection Baby Grand Piano
Beneath the lines of the 130 Bosendorfer Upright Piano's hand-polished ebony finish lies an exquisite amalgam of Viennese Craftsmanship and European timber.
- 52" Tall
- 85% Spruce

Yamaha YUS5
Premium Upright Piano
The Yamaha YUS5 features premium grand piano features - giving a performance more like that of a grand piano than a premium upright piano.
- 52" Tall
- Handcrafted

Baldwin BP-X5
Professional Series Upright Piano
With its rugged construction and full-width music rest, this blissfully resonant piano is ideal for a sactuary, classroom or living room where a baby grand won't fit.
- 49" Tall
- Popular in Churches
Premium Digital Pianos - Peoria, AZ

Yamaha CLP-795GP
Yamaha Clavinova
The undisputed king of the Yamaha Clavinova CLP Series, the CLP-795GP digital baby grand piano is a gorgeous piece of furniture as well as a fine digital piano.
- Baby Grand Cabinet
- Touch Sensors

Roland LX-9
Luxury Digital Piano
Delivering a range of expression that surpasses all other digital pianos - and many acoustic instruments - the Roland LX-9 is a masterpiece of authentic musicality.
- Piano Reality™ Piano
- 8-Speaker Surround