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Yamaha Pianos at Riverton Piano Company
DCFX ENPRO Yamaha Disklavier Grand Piano

Yamaha DCFX

9' Disklavier ENSPIRE Pro Premium Concert Grand Piano

Simply put, there is no better performance instrument than a DCFX Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE Pro concert grand piano. Featured on the most prominent stages around the world, these powerful instruments are popular because they offer the high-end sound and touch of a concert grand piano with the flexibility that only modern technology can offer. Directly wired into a PA system for premium tone, these instruments eliminate the headache of trying to "mic" a piano. In addition, Disklaviers give artists the flexibility to "thicken" their piano tone with synth sounds or reproduce "perfect" performances on command. Disklavier TV has given artists an entirely new audience! In short - Yamaha Disklavier concert grand pianos do things no other performance instruments can. ...and that is why - though you may not have known it - you've seen professional artists using them for years.

Most audience members never know that they've been listening to a Yamaha Disklavier piano. Such industry icons like John Legend, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Sarah McLachlan, Josh Grobin, Barry Manilow and many more use Disklaviers on stage.

Riverton Piano Company is the only Yamaha dealership in the Phoenix metro area selected to host your Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE Pro experience. Come in today and experience a piano with unlimited potential!

Consider This:

CFX Yamaha Concert Grand Piano

Yamaha CFX

Premium Concert Grand Piano

Introduced in 2022, this reimagined masterpiece is taking the world by storm. Experience the new standard for handcrafted performance pianos.

  • 9' in Length
  • Industry Icon

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Key Features

  • CFX Yamaha Grand Piano
  • 500 Built-in Songs
  • HD MIDI Recording
  • Auto-Silencer
  • Headphones Port
  • 16 Digital Voices
  • Disklavier Radio & TV
  • Disklavier Smart Key
  • Self-Calibration
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano
  • Yamaha Disklavier player grand piano

Available Finishes

Polished Ebony

Learning Center

Download dcfx-enpro Specifications Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE APP Manual Download The DCFX Manual Download The FREE Firmware Update for your Yamaha Disklavier DCFX Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE Song List Disklavier TV Manual Player Piano Comparison Chart Yamaha Piano Warranty Disklavier Bonus Box

The Next Model...

Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE Pro Player Grand Piano


This is the flagship model.

DS7X Yamaha Disklavier ENSPIRE Pro Player Grand Piano


  • 18" Shorter
  • Smaller, Thinner Tone
  • Decreased Color/Power